Modern Slavery Statement

The following statement has been prepared under the Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and UK Modern Slavery Act.

This statement articulates MIP Inc. Group of companies (“MIP”)'s proactive measures and ongoing commitment to prevent occurrences of modern slavery or human trafficking within its business operations and supply chain. It sets out the steps that MIP has taken and will continue to uphold to safeguard against such unethical practices.

Modern slavery encompasses (but not limited to) slavery, servitude, human trafficking, child labour and forced labour. MIP has a zero- tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. MIP’s commitment to ethical practices in our own operations and our supply chain begins at the highest level – from CEO and Board of Directors. MIP makes every effort to run its business in accordance with our ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Statement’ (CSR Statement) and ensures that the company’s dedication and commitment to act ethically, with integrity and transparency is reflected in its business operations. It also clearly compels the business to ensure that its suppliers also meet ethical standards. MIP is continually evaluating its systems and controls to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within the business or its supply chain. A copy of MIP’s CSR Statement is available here.

This Modern Slavery Statement outlines MIP’s approach to meeting the challenges of Modern Slavery head-on. This Policy is administered by the Company’s Human Resources Department, Supply Chain Department and its Chief Executive Officer. If you have any questions on this policy or its operation, please do not hesitate to let us know by contacting us at the email address

MIP’s Business

MIP Inc is a Canadian company founded in 1977. In September 2013, MIP's ownership group expanded with an investment from Banyan Capital Partners. Today, MIP is owned by Senior Management in partnership with Banyan. In 2011, MIP extended its horizons in Europe by including MIP Europe GmbH and in 2016, MIP acquired the UK based company Cromptons Healthcare Ltd, thus expanding MIP’s UK presence and product portfolio. MIP has therefore evolved into a global leader in the reusable healthcare textile industry, providing a broad range of products and services to the healthcare industry in more than 27 countries around the world including Canada, North America and many European countries including UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, and Italy. MIP Customers include large and small laundries, distributors, hospitals and long-term care facilities. The Organisation has offices in the following locations:

  • MIP Inc – Montreal, Canada (Head Office/Warehousing)
  • MIP Europe GMBH (MIPe) – Hamburg, Germany (Office/Warehousing)
  • Med-I-Pant UK Ltd. (MIP UK) – Leighton Buzzard, United Kingdom (Office/Warehousing)
  • MIP USA (Office/Warehousing) MIP sources and procures products and services from 3rd Party Suppliers on a global basis, predominantly China, Europe, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia and North America/Canada. Further detail on MIP’s approach to dealing with suppliers ethically is set out below.

  • MIP Code of Conduct & Policies

    MIP takes seriously and fully supports national and international efforts to end modern slavery. MIP operate various internal policies to ensure that MIP is conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner. These include:

    1. Code of Conduct: This code lays out the required minimum standards of behaviour MIP expects as an organisation and how MIP expects its employees and suppliers to act. This includes strict requirements around forced and child labour, anti-harassment, bullying, equal opportunities and mutual respect, amongst other requirements. We currently share this Code of Conduct with suppliers when they commence working with MIP, to ensure that our expectations and goals are clear at the outset of any new relationship.

    2. Recruitment policy: MIP operates a robust recruitment policy in all its Business Units, including conducting eligibility to work in the relevant location for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will.

    3. Whistleblowing Policy: The Company's Board of Directors has established a procedure for the confidential submission of concerns regarding questionable activities or conduct. This Policy has been established to enable employees, officers and directors of MIP, as well as MIP's sales agents, suppliers, customers and other key stakeholders to raise such concerns on a confidential basis, free from discrimination, retaliation or harassment, anonymously or otherwise. This Policy applies to all the Company's key stakeholders, including its employees, officers and directors as well as its suppliers and customers. A copy of MIP’s Whistleblowing policy is available here.

    4. Corporate Social Responsibility Statement (CSR Statement): MIP’s CSR statement sets important expectations for the business around its openness and integrity. MIP operates a robust CSR process to ensure MIP upholds and promotes Human Rights, as given in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the eight core Working Conditions standards of the International Labour Organization, and critical aspects of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI Base Code). This includes (but is not limited to) Child Labour, Forced Labour and Harassment and Abuse. A copy of MIP’s CSR Statement is available here.

    MIP Suppliers

    MIP operates and maintains an approved supplier list. MIP conducts due diligence on all suppliers before allowing them to become an approved supplier. MIP requires its finished goods suppliers to comply to the legal requirements relating to modern slavery including a review of materials suppliers and working conditions. Furthermore, MIP’s Supplier Declaration Form explicitly requires suppliers to comply with all local labour laws, MIP’s policies and provides confirmation that the products and services supplied to MIP Inc and its wholly owned affiliates, are produced under conditions that are compatible with the 10 principles of the UN global compact, derived from
    1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    2. The International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998 Declaration, as amended in 2022)
    3. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
    4. The United Nations Convention Against Corruption

    Risk Assements

    As part of the Corporate Social Responsibility process, MIP continually evaluates and updates our systems to identify and address risks in our supply chain including those related to forced and child labour. We do this by leveraging information from external sources, highlighting specific areas of risk related to each country, industry and culture within which we operate.

    MIP uses both internal and external independent third-party organizations audits to assess and ensure compliance to MIP’s Code of Conduct, CSR statement and International, National, and local Rules of Law. These assessments take the form of audit visits, both announced and unannounced. Suppliers are monitored on a schedule based on their performance.

    MIP Performance Indicators

    MIP will know the effectiveness of the steps that MIP is taking to ensure that modern slavery and/or human trafficking is not taking place within its business or supply chain if:

  • No reports are received from employees, the public, or law enforcement agencies to indicate that modernslavery practices have been identified.
  • Where applicable, independent 3rd Party Audits do not highlight areas of risk, concern, or failure to complywith relevant standards and legislation.
  • Given these indicators, we are confident that MIP is currently effective in managing the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain. These performance indicators are reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that we accurately assess and manage the potential risks of modern slavery in our business and/or supply chain.

    If we are provided evidence of an issue of non-compliance within one of our suppliers, we investigate it promptly. Where improvements are required, we seek to drive ownership by supplier management to identify and correct issues and improve systems to address root causes in order to prevent reoccurrence. Should a supplier fail to remediate issues identified by an audit or allegation investigation according to MIP’s requirements it would be subject to review and sanctions, including potential termination of the relationship.


    MIP's Board of Directors and Senior Managers are committed to making every reasonable and appropriate effort to ensure the continuous implementation and application of the principles and values defined in this document, to rectify any shortcomings as rapidly as possible and to keep it current by:

  • communicating our Modern Slavery Statement and its implementation to employees, business partnersand other interested parties.
  • ensuring that all employees have read and understood this Modern Slavery Statement and have had theopportunity to ask questions and seek clarification.

  • Approval for this statement

    This statement was revised and approved by the Board of Directors (MIP Inc Senior Management Team) on April 11, 2024